
News & Press

We’re hosting our official SXSW showcase on Wed, 3/14 at Barracuda!
We’re hosting our official SXSW showcase on Wed, 3/14 at Barracuda!

Posted 03/01/2018

We’ll be hosting our official Ground Control Touring SXSW showcase in Austin on Wednesday March 14th at Barracuda. Drop by to catch some of the most exciting young artists on the GCT roster. Facebook RSVP for the showcase HERE. Badges or wristbands required for entry. OUTSIDE 1:05 AM Hop Along…


Tropical Futurists Combo Chimbita Join the Ground Control Touring Roster
Tropical Futurists Combo Chimbita Join the Ground Control Touring Roster

Posted 01/16/2018

Ground Control Touring is excited to announce the addition of Combo Chimbita to our roster. Combo Chimbita has arisen as one of the most energetic and unique live acts of the NYC music scene. Their first full length release, Abya Yala, caught the ears of mainstream media outlets, landing them…