A few years back, actor & musician Pearl Amanda Dickson made a playlist called Colorado 2 Omaha for a friend about to drive across the country to NYC. It stuck around after the journey and soundtracked countless nights in her friend’s apartment, so much so that the friend’s roommate, songwriter Richard Orofino, would become obsessed with it. And with its creator. After a visit to New York, the pair immediately clicked and Sex Week was born.
“Most of the artists on there – Liz Phair, Elusin, Walter Egan, Wolf Alice – we connected over,” says Dickson. “Then Richard returned the favor and showed me Judee Sill and Double Virgo.” If those references don’t make it clear, there’s a sort of omnivorous quality to the music Sex Week loves & creates across their eponymous debut EP that will be for all to hear on August 30th.