
News & Press

GCT Announces 3rd Annual Abortion Access Benefit Series
GCT Announces 3rd Annual Abortion Access Benefit Series

Posted 10/28/2024

Ground Control Touring is thrilled to announce they’re teaming up for the third year with NOISE FOR NOW, a non-profit specializing in reproductive justice, to take action and bring awareness with its third annual Abortion Access Benefit Series. The series has expanded to take over EIGHT cities, coinciding on Saturday,…


Ground Control Touring - Best of 2019 List
Ground Control Touring - Best of 2019 List

Posted 12/18/2019

As 2019 comes to a close, we’d like to send a well deserved congratulations to all of our artists for a truly fantastic year! We’re also proud to see many of them landing on various “best-of” lists that continue to roll out. Here are some of the highlights – Alcest…


Control Top Are The Newest Addition to the Ground Control Touring Roster
Control Top Are The Newest Addition to the Ground Control Touring Roster

Posted 07/31/2019

Ground Control Touring is thrilled to have Control Top join our roster! Covert contracts rule our world: manipulative relationships, encoded social norms, opaque technologies. “With a covert contract, the trick is that the agreement is only known by the person who makes it,” says Ali Carter, singer and bassist of…