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Ground Control Touring Artists On Best Of 2014 Lists!

Ground Control Touring Artists On Best Of 2014 Lists!

Posted 12/12/2014

Allo Darlin’ We Come From The Same Place
#45 American Songwriter Top 50 Songs
#55 Rough Trade Albums of the Year

Conor Oberst Upside Down Mountain
#15 American Songwriter Top 50 Albums
#85 Drowned In Sound Favourite Albums
NPR Favorite Songs of 2014

Dum Dum Girls Too True
#42 Paste Magazine Best 50 Albums
#41 Paste Magazine 50 Best Songs

Earth Primitive and Deadly
#57 Drowned In Sound Favourite Albums
#93 Rough Trade Albums of the Year

Ex Hex Rips
#22 American Songwriter Top 50 Albums
#35 American Songwriter Top 50 Songs
Aquarium Drunkard Year In Review
#89 Drowned In Sound Favourite Albums
#1 Magnet Top 25 Albums of 2014
#10 NME Top 50 Albums
#42 NME Top 50 Tracks
NPR Favorite Songs
#26 Pitchfork 50 Best Albums
#22 Pitchfork 100 Best Tracks
#36 The Guardian Best Albums
#25 Urban Outfitters Best Albums
#25 Vulture 32 Best Pop Albums

The Felice Brothers Favorite Waitress
#17 American Songwriter Top 50 Albums

Frankie Cosmos Zentropy
Pitchfork Honorable Mention
#1 Vulture 32 Best Pop Albums

Fucked Up Glass Boys
#28 Stereogum 50 Best Albums

Grouper Ruins
#24 Drowned In Sound Favorite Albums
#11 Fact Magazine 50 Best Albums
#5 Pitchfork 50 Best Albums
#28 Pitchfork 100 Best Tracks
#68 Pitchfork 100 Best Tracks
NPR 50 Favorite Albums
NPR Favorite Songs
#16 Urban Outfitters Best Albums
#28 Vulture 32 Best Pop Albums

Gruff Rhys American Interior
#47 NME Top 50 Albums
#47 NME Top 50 Tracks
#49 Rough Trade Albums of the Year

Hospitality Too True
#87 Drowned In Sound Favourite Albums
NPR Favorite Songs
#50 Paste Magazine 50 Best Albums
#42 Paste Magazine 50 Best Songs
#45 Rolling Stone 50 Best Songs

Iceage Plowing Into The Field Of Love
#30 Pitchfork 50 Best Albums
#65 Pitchfork 100 Best Tracks
#16 NME Top 50 Albums
#17 NME Top 50 Tracks
#12 Urban Outfitters Best Albums

Jenny Lewis The Voyager
#25 American Songwriter Top 50 Albums
#5 American Songwriter Top 50 Songs
#4 Billboard 10 Best Albums
Huffington Post 23 Best Albums
NPR 50 Favorite Albums
NPR Favorite Songs
#16 Paste Magazine 50 Best Albums
#27 Paste Magazine 50 Best Songs
#17 Rolling Stone 50 Best Albums
#5 Rolling Stone 50 Best Songs
#4 SPIN 50 Best Albums
#10 SPIN 101 Best Songs
#17 Stereogum 50 Best Albums
#8 Time Top 10 Best Albums
#18 The Guardian Best Albums
#44 Urban Outfitters Best Albums
#11 Vulture 32 Best Pop Albums

Joyce Manor Never Hungover Again
#47 Drowned In Sound Favourite Albums
NPR Favorite Songs
#32 SPIN 50 Best Albums
#49 Urban Outfitters Best Albums

Kevin Morby Still Life
Aquarium Drunkard Year In Reveiw
#31 Urban Outfitters Best Albums

Merchandise After The End
#50 Consequence of Sound Top 50 Albums
#95 Drowned In Sound Favourite Albums
#7 NME Top 50 Albums
#12 NME Top 50 Tracks
#98 Pitchfork 100 Best Tracks
#79 Rough Trade Albums of the Year
#10 Stereogum 50 Best Albums
#22 The Guardian Best Albums

Parquet Courts Sunbathing Animal
#19 Magnet Magazine Top 25 Albums
#35 NME Top 50 Albums
NPR Favorite Songs
#24 Pitchfork 50 Best Albums
#71 Pitchfork 100 Best Tracks
#28 Rolling Stone 50 Best Albums
#46 Rough Trade Albums of the Year
#2 SPIN 50 Best Albums
#5 SPIN 101 Best Songs
#50 Stereogum 50 Best Albums
#20 Vulture 32 Best Pop Albums

Perfect Pussy Say Yes to Love
#28 Consequence of Sound Top 50 Songs
#63 Drowned In Sound Favourite Albums
Huffington Post 23 Best Albums
#44 NME Top 50 Albums
NPR Favorite Songs
#49 Paste Magazine 50 Best Songs
#37 Pitchfork 50 Best Albums
#53 Pitchfork 100 Best Tracks
#90 SPIN 101 Best Songs
#8 Vulture 32 Best Pop Albums

Real Estate Atlas
#42 American Songwriter Top 50 Albums
#27 American Songwriter Top 50 Songs
Aquarium Drunkard Year In Review
#28 Mojo Magazine 50 Best Albums
NPR Favorite Songs
#13 Paste Magazine 50 Best Albums
#14 Pitchfork 50 Best Albums
#39 Pitchfork 100 Best Tracks
#47 Rolling Stone 50 Best Songs
#45 Rough Trade Albums of the Year
#40 SPIN 50 Best Albums
#19 Stereogum 50 Best Albums
#9 Time Top 10 Best Songs
#9 Urban Outfitters Best Albums

Sharon Van Etten Are We There
#50 American Songwriter Top 50 Albums
#6 American Songwriter Top 50 Songs
#5 A.V. Club 20 Best Albums
#17 Consequence of Sound Albums of the Year
#19 Consequence of Sound Top 50 Songs
#2 Drowned In Sound Favourite Albums
Huffington Post 23 Best Albums
#11 Mojo Magazine 50 Best Albums
#31 NME Top 50 Albums
#37 NME Top 50 Songs
NPR Favorite Songs
#8 Paste Magazine 50 Best Albums
#33 Paste Magazine 50 Best Songs
#19 Pitchfork 50 Best Albums
#27 Pitchfork 100 Best Tracks
#20 Rolling Stone 50 Best Albums
#8 Rolling Stone 50 Best Songs
#40 Rough Trade Albums of the Year
#81 SPIN 101 Best Songs
#7 Stereogum 50 Best Albums
#39 The Guardian Best Albums
#6 Urban Outfitters Best Albums
#18 Vulture 32 Best Pop Albums

Sleater-Kinney ‘Bury Our Friends’
#40 NME Top 50 Tracks
NPR Favorite Songs
#40 Rolling Stone 50 Best Songs

Speedy Ortiz ‘American Horror’
#24 Consequence of Sound Top 50 Songs
#79 SPIN 101 Best Songs

Steve Gunn Way Out Weather
Aquarium Drunkard Year In Review
#14 Magent Magazine Top 25 Albums
#6 Mojo Magazine 50 Best Albums
NPR Favorite Songs
#99 Pitchfork 100 Best Tracks

Thurston Moore The Best Day
Aquarium Drunkard Year In Review
#27 Rolling Stone 50 Best Songs

Total Control Typical System
#43 Paste Magazine 50 Best Albums
#50 Paste Magazine 50 Best Songs
#11 Rough Trade Albums of the Year

Woods With Light & With Love
Aquarium Drunkard Year In Review
NPR Favorite Songs

Related Artists: Conor Oberst, Dum Dum Girls, Earth, Ex Hex, Grouper, Gruff Rhys, Iceage, Parquet Courts, Thurston Moore, Woods, Total Control, The Felice Brothers, Steve Gunn, Speedy Ortiz, Joyce Manor

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