
News & Press

Ground Control Touring Welcomes Chanel Beads

Ground Control Touring Welcomes Chanel Beads

Posted 07/10/2023

Chanel Beads started as a name for Shane Lavers to organize his voice memos, collages and experiments in songwriting. After playing house shows in different formations around Seattle, Shane and his collaborator Maya McGrory moved to New York. The music blends real and synthetic instrumentation that blurs the lines of genre and aims for something timeless. Their music is inspired by brief moments of eureka when everything seems to fall in line and make perfect sense. On stage, Chanel Beads is often joined by experimental musician Zachary Paul and other friends improvising along to the tightly arranged songs.

Check out Chanel Beads’s artist page for forthcoming news and tour dates.

Related Artists: Chanel Beads

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