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Ground Control Touring Welcomes Lowertown!

Ground Control Touring Welcomes Lowertown!

Posted 02/20/2025

Lowertown, the duo of Avsha Weinberg and Olivia Osby, first met in high school math class. They sparked a friendship when Avsha looked over Olivia’s shoulder to see what music she was playing on her laptop, bonding over a shared love of Alex G and The Microphones. They traded influences, and eventually, demos, releasing their first ever single as Lowertown in 2018 before they’d graduated high school. “It was trial by fire,” remembers Olivia, the band’s distinct and off-kilter style initially proving to be an obstacle to fitting in on local bills, but their 2019 debut Friends set things in motion.

From the beginning, their approach to collaboration was shaped by their differing backgrounds. Olivia spent her formative years writing poetry, while Avsha took up classical piano at age 4. The interplay between Olivia’s intuitive approach and Avsha’s measured attention to detail is central to the sound of Lowertown.

Within a short period of the time the duo had signed to a label, and hit the road supporting Wet Leg, quickly followed by a run with Porches, and a national tour with label mates and friends Beabadoobee.

Across three albums, the band’s sound has expanded from their initial indie folk offerings to include flashes of electronica, jagged punk, and beautiful atmospherics. Mood has always been key to the sound of Lowertown, the singular interplay between Olivia & Avsha’s alternatingly raw and melodic vocals playing out over freeform songwriting that Pitchfork described as “fascinating.”

They are now gearing up to go on their first US headline tour. They plan to release their highly anticipated 4th album. The album was entirely written, performed, and produced by the duo in Avsha’s Brooklyn apartment.

Related Artists: Lowertown

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