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Wilsen Has Joined the Ground Control Touring Roster!

Wilsen Has Joined the Ground Control Touring Roster!

Posted 03/10/2017

We’re thrilled to announce that Wilsen has joined the Ground Control Touring family!

Even in the frenetic metropolis of New York there are moments of still. You have to wait, bide your time until the early hours, but in the short window between closing time and the early-morning commuters you can find a twilight period of pure, nocturnal, solitude.
‘I Go Missing In My Sleep’ – Wilsen’s debut full-length album – was born during these snatched moments. Ensconced in a tiny rented apartment in Brooklyn, Tamsin Wilson would sit, wait for the twilight and then begin moulding her day’s thoughts into fragments of song.

Announcing the record in early February with new track ‘Heavy Steps’, Wilsen will slowly begin the process of introducing the outside world to their moments of crystallised calm, before unveiling ‘I Go Missing In My Sleep’ in full in late spring 2017.

Watch Wilsen’s new video for “Garden” on their artist page and stay tuned for upcoming tour dates in support of the LP!

Related Artists: Wilsen

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